Britt wrapped in her new
blanket made by Mz. Mona. |
Attending her initial visit to UCLA along with Britt was Mom, Dad, Grandma Lian, Grandpa Sandy and Grammie. For the initial physical evaluation with Dr. Kafaja; Britt, mom and Grandma went in with the Dr. Dad, Grammie and Grandpa Sandy waited in the waiting room.
They met with Dr. Furst who advised that he and Dr. Kafaja are a team and would be consulting on every case and making determinations together. He then introduced them to Karen Gottesman, author of,
“The First Year: Scleroderma: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed”, which we happen to be reading. Karen was fabulous about advising them on the Scleroderma Foundation and sharing info on the upcoming Scleroderma convention, being held in TX. She is also a Scleroderma patient and was able to ease their minds in reassuring that there is life after being diagnosed with Scleroderma.
UCLA is so supportive that they offered to move us to a conference room so all could hear the prognosis. They believe in family support and this was really appreciated. They kindly named us “Brittany’s Entourage”.
After reviewing her blood work and performing a full exam, Dr. Furst and Dr. Kafaja confirmed Brittany’s diagnosis as Diffused Systemic Scleroderma. Dr. Kafaja heard crackling in her lower lungs so they ordered additional tests (CT scan of her lungs, an echocardiogram of her heart, a pulmonary function test, and lots more blood work) to determine if the disease had spread internally. Once they have a clearer picture, treatments will be determined. They have prescribed her a few things to treat some of the other symptoms she is experiencing. Dexilant for the heartburn/ GURD and Prednisone for the joint pain and swelling.
We left this visit feeling very positive and feel like we are in the right place. We also feel very blessed to know that Britt was diagnosed so quickly. Many patients are not diagnosed for several years, by this time more damage may have already been done.
Grandpa Sandy has been named, “Chauffer of the Year”. He is so patient driving in all that traffic and getting us to and from our destination safe and sound. Thank you Grandpa, we really appreciate it.